Sunday, January 3, 2016

Review of Avalon by Allison Sipe

Hello book lovers how has your new year been treating you so far? Hope all is well! Have you chosen any book novels for the first month of the year? I certainly hope so! To start off my new year! I just finished Avalon by Allison Sipe! The second book in her Soothsayer series! Even though it was a novella, there was so much new information it felt as though it was bigger!

In Soothsayer we follow the main character Violet and how she adapts to the magical life she never knew she had. While she begins to absorb all this new information, she starts to create a new journey with the handsome man she ran into named Robert.
Both Robert and her continue to learn more, not just about the prophecy, but also their blooming relationship. Soothsayer ended with a well executed cliffhanger!

In Avalon we learn more information about Robert, and we see things from his perspective. While the story continues on, Violet doesn't know where Robert disappeared to, and Robert lives most of his days behind magically constricting bars while constantly plotting his way out of confinement.
It doesn't make anything easier when both his Ex "Lila Partridge" and her father are plotting for a way to break all hell lose.

While trying to convince his ex Lila to understand that her father is brainwashing her and isn't telling her the truth, Robert is also having a difficult time being a nice guy from constantly being pushed and used as an experiment while being held against his own will.
All Robert knows is that the more time he spends away from Violet the worse it will be when he comes back. Especially if Lila comes back with him too.

Gosh Allison Sipe did it again! I was completely captivated while reading Avalon. We don't learn very much about Robert in Soothsayer, but Avalon most definitely makes up for it. I really liked that Allison continued on with the story from Roberts perspective, it gives you a great insight of how Robert thinks and feels.
Even though Avalon is a novella, it felt as though many important things took place in such a sort amount of time! The side characters were really well thought out, and one of them by the name of Ian really got on my bad side! And because of that it felt as though I got sucked into the magical realms of the story, which was an intense ride!
I'm pretty happy to see both Robert and Lila rekindled as friends. It's quite a comforting feeling knowing that even though they've had a horrible past both of them ended up helping each other. (It's also wonderful to know that Lila will most likely not attempt to kill Violet either)
There are so many cool and new aspects in Avalon that I'm on the edge of my toes waiting for the third book in the series!

If your interested in learning more about the author and The Soothsayer series please click here!
Also if your interested in reading The Soothsayer series you can purchase it here on Amazon.
My review is also up on Goodreads and Amazon!
Thank you so much for reading my review! Enjoy your new year!!!

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